The King’s Fellowship Blog
From the desk of Joshua Lewis: The King’s Fellowship Blog shares my personal reflections on Scripture, life in Ada, Oklahoma, and stories from my friends and family. This blog is designed as a resource for daily devotionals—a place for quiet contemplation and meditation on God’s Word. Each post aims to provide thoughtful insights from God’s Word to encourage you daily to walk in faith and rest in Christ’s finished work. Whether it’s exploring the challenges of modern living or sharing uplifting experiences, these entries are crafted to support and inspire your journey in seeking a deeper connection with God and our community.
Gay Pride in Ada: A Christian Response
Gay Pride in Ada and a Christian ResponseHow TO Think About Gay Pride in Ada As June arrives, so does Pride Month, a time when LGBTQ individuals and their allies gather to celebrate identity, community, and advocacy. Even in our small town, Gay Pride in Ada is...
Horns, Hammers, and Holy Warfare: Zechariah 1:18-21 Explained
Horns, Hammers, and Holy Warfare: Unpacking Zechariah’s Vision of Horns & Craftsmen. Visions in the Bible are often strange—sometimes even unsettling. Zechariah’s vision in Zechariah 1:18-21 is no exception. It’s vivid, symbolic, and packed with spiritual...
Fasting & Spiritual Gifts
Does Fasting Empower Spiritual Gifts?How Fasting Positions Us for Growth in Spiritual Gifts: A Reflection for LentAs the season of Lent approaches, many believers are preparing for a time of reflection, prayer, and fasting. Lent invites us to align our hearts with the...
Revival or Revivalism: Understanding God’s Presence and Our Role
Revival or Revivalism: Understanding God's Presence and Our RoleDo We Work for Revival or Is It a Gift from God? I was once asked, “Do we work for revival? Is it something that we work for, or is it something God grants to people?” This question was not meant to...
What Is Gossip & Slander?
The Biblical Meaning Of Gossip & SlanderIntroduction: A Crisis of Misunderstanding We live in a day when slander and gossip have lost their biblical meaning. Well-meaning wives are afraid to seek counsel about their marriages out of fear of being accused of...
The Parable of the Talents: Fear or Faith?
The Parable Of The Talents: Faith Or Fear?Discovering a Hidden Message in Nacho Libre Let’s kick off this blog with an unexpected favorite of mine: Nacho Libre. Yes, the goofy Jack Black film about a monastery monk who spends his days cooking for orphans but dreams of...
How Should Christians Respond When Pastors Fall?
How Should Christians Respond To Fallen Pastors?We've all been there, right? That sinking feeling of watching once-revered pastors fall into scandal. Whether it’s a financial scandal, sexual immorality, or heavy-handed leadership, the devastation hits hard. Those...
Filled With The Spirit
A Word Study On "Filled With The Spirit"As I pulled into the gas station, dressed in my old uniform of cut-off jeans, a bandana, and flip-flops, a guy approached me and asked, "Hey homie, where the smoke at?" I was clueless. After a quick call to my friend Cedric, I...
Two Peters In The Bible
The Two Peters In The BibleThe Preacher's Passionate Appeal The preacher, a stout man in a dark suit, his white shirt collar now darkened with perspiration, stood behind the pulpit, his voice resonating through the large sanctuary. His brow glistened, sweat streaming...
What is The Baptism Of The Spirit?
What is The Baptism Of The Spirit?What Is The "Baptism in the Holy Spirit"? As we have already demonstrated, the phrases “baptism in the Spirit,” “filled with the Spirit,” and “full of the Spirit” are not synonyms. Each of these phrases has its own unique meaning and...
Full Of The Spirit
What Does It Mean To Be "Full Of The Spirit"?A Surprising Encounter at Bible College Once upon a time, I found myself at a hyper-charismatic Bible college, ready for what I thought would be a typical lecture. Little did I know, I was about to embark on a theological...
Discovering Real Joy
Discovering Real JoyDiscovering Real Joy - By Alex Ryan Welcome, friends, to Episode… or Blogisode?... 2 of the Reclaim the Truth series! In our first Blogisode (yep, we’re sticking with it), we discussed Jeremiah 29:11 and sought to reclaim a biblical understanding...
Yearning for Repentance: A Look at God’s Heart in Hosea 5:15
Yearning for Repentance: A Look at God's Heart in Hosea 5:15This verse, in particular, reflects the yearning of both God and humanity for reconciliation and restoration. At its core, Hosea 5:15 emphasizes the significance of recognizing our own personal sins and...
The Doctrine of Hell: Hot Takes from First-Century Jews
The Doctrine of Hell: Hot Takes from First-Century JewsUnderstanding the Ancient Context of the Bible and Our Modern Lens There has been a lot of recent discussion among evangelicals concerning the doctrine of Hell. Fundamentalist doubling down on their tradition, and...
Discernment vs Judgment
Discernment vs. JudgmentDiscernment vs. Judgment It is important, grace-filled, and loving to give something time to unfold while investigating, gathering information, and noting red flags along the journey. This is part of what is considered ‘discernment’ and or...
the Deep magic of Narnia: Ransom Theory vs. Penal Substitution
The Deep Magic Of Narnia: Ransom Theory Vs Penal Substitution The Ransom Theory Of C.S. Lewis In the enchanting world of C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, there’s a scene that’s nothing short of a theological thrill ride—the White Witch demands Edmund's life for...
The Dangers Of Unhealthy Prophetic Ministry
The Dangers Of Unhealthy Prophetic MinistryIn the days of the prophet Micah, a tumultuous period enveloped the nation of Israel. The court prophets of his time, driven by personal ambition, used their prophetic gifts to pander to the whims of powerful men and secure...
Chasing the Wind: Embracing Rhythms of Devotion in a Busy Life
"Chasing the Wind: Embracing Rhythms of Devotion in a Busy Life"The necessity of devotion When I lived in Texas, I hit the gym regularly for mental clarity and energy. However, since moving to Ada, Oklahoma, to plant this church, I've developed more pastorally in the...
Why The Word Of God And The Power Of God Are Inseparable
WHy The Word Of God And The Power Of God Are Inseparable The Sadducees were known for their strict adherence to the Torah, differing from other Jewish groups because they rejected oral traditions favored by the Pharisees and focused solely on the written Torah. They...
The Source Of True Identity
The Source Of True IdentityIdentity is a funny thing. Some lean on patriotism, others on what they own (materialism), while still others draw their identity from personal accomplishments. You can have people who see themselves through the lens of a small town like...
Reclaiming the Truth
Reclaiming the TruthBy Alex RyanAn Unexpected Morning at Wal-Mart It was a bright, sunny day in September as I pulled up to the Ada Wal-Mart. It had been a cheery morning so far—made even more cheery by the fact that I had time to go to Wal-Mart in the morning, rather...
Why Do We Recite The Nicene Creed?
Why Do We Recite The Nicene Creed?The Significance of Church Tradition: I love a church that looks and feels like a church— stained glass, vaulted ceilings, pews, a pulpit so sturdy it could protect the pastor if a bomb went off. An accusation of nostalgia might be...
Why Prophetic Ministry Must Be Tested
Why Prophetic Ministry Must Be Tested And WeighedIn a climactic scene of Disney’s “Ratatouille,” the stern food critic Anton Ego experiences a dish that transcends his wildest expectations. Something about the blend of flavors, spices, and seasonings triggers an...
Clarity Over Creativity
Clarity over creativityThe past 7 days in Hawaii have been a blast, but I can't wait to get back to Ada. I must admit, I miss my kiddos, my church family, and Arbuckle coffee—LOL. While in Hawaii, I have had the opportunity to train a group of missionaries with over...
Who Are We Being Called To Forgive?
Who Are We Being Called To Forgive?In a previous post, I explored the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, leading us to the profound and compelling parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. These parables, meticulously placed side by side — lost sheep, lost...
Why You Don’t Have To Work For Salvation
Why You Don't Have To Work For SalvationI live the normal life of a parent; I work a 9 to 5 job, and when I get home, my kids are building forts, having Nerf wars, and generally turning my house into a war zone. Every once in a while, I come home to find the kids have...
The Comical Curse Of Spilled Water
The Wrestle With SinNestled in the quaint heart of Ada's Main Street, a gem of a restaurant beckons, echoing the charm of a bygone era. Its historical allure comes from a building standing since 1918. This establishment once echoed with the whispers of a bustling...
Who Is The Church For?
Who Is The Church For?Moving to Ada, a town of nearly 17,000, I didn't dream of building a megachurch. My strategy was straightforward: focus on the people in front of us, care for them, and let God manage the growth. Now, every pastor wants the believers in their...
Power Evangelism In Ada
Power Evangelism Redefining Evangelism in Ada: A Vision for Tomorrow's Outreach. Could you imagine what would happen if the churches in Ada Oklahoma were full of evangelists? Not the belligerently argumentative kind of evangelism, the real Spirit-lead Power...
Why People Aren’t Coming Back To Church
Why People Aren't Coming Back To ChurchDuring the medieval period, the church was the forerunner of science, art, and government. During the rapid expansion of the frontier, the church in America became the epicenter of education, politics, and even local news. In...
How To View Doctrine
How To View DoctrineThis last week we discussed 1 Timothy 1:3, which says, “As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine.” What is interesting about this prescription that...
Ada’s Revival History
Ada's Revival HistoryLiving as a charismatic in 2024 presents interesting challenges, especially as a pastor. Due to the negligence of publishers and media distributors such as Elijah List, Destiny Image, and Charisma News, new and novel teachings and practices are...
The Chickasaw Nation: What The Church Can Learn From Them
The Chickasaw Nation: What The Church Can Learn From ThemSince moving to Ada, one of the things that has struck me the most is the Chickasaw Nation. If you're not familiar, historically the Chickasaw were known for their military prowess and were often referred to as...
Is Easter Pagan?
Should Christians Celebrate Easter: Is Easter Pagan?Two of the most important stories in the Bible are Christmas and Easter: the day that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, and the day that Jesus became the firstborn from the dead. Both play a vital role in the Gospel...
Objectivity Vs Subjectivity: Navigating Life’s Crazy Corners
Objectivity Vs Subjectivity: Navigating Life's Crazy Corners When we first moved to Ada to plant King’s Fellowship Church, I had an appointment at McGraw Realtors to pick up my keys for our rental home. That's when I first saw it, the world’s most...
“Extra Nos” (Outside Ourselves): True Saving Righteousness.
“Extra Nos” (outside ourselves): true saving righteousness.During my Hawaii trip, I flew into Kona to preach at my buddy's church that Sunday. So, Saturday night before I was to speak, we were hanging out in his apartment community's hot tub discussing theosis, you...
Should Christians Fast?
Should Christians Fast? Should Christians Fast? Have you ever heard Christians say, "That's an old wineskin," meaning "That's an old way of doing things," or "an old paradigm of thinking"? Growing up in the church, I had no clue what the verse about "old wineskins"...
Should Protestants Practice Lent?
Should Protestants Practice Lent? The Historical Roots Of Tradition Should protestants practice lent? Traditions are the backbone of any good family. Gift exchanges, Christmas pajamas, summer vacations, and fall treks out of town for family Thanksgiving dinners are...
Mercy And Judgement
Mercy And JudgementWhat is the relationship between God's mercy and judgement? One of the most memorable kings in all of Israel is an 8-year-old king named Josiah. 2 Kings 22 tells the story of an 8-year-old boy king who was thrust into power because a servant had...
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit A Biblical Understanding Shortly after my time in Bible school, I met a group of guys who loved getting together for Bible studies. I had never met a group like these men; they all loved the Bible, studied it regularly, memorized lengthy passages, and...
King Josiah
Life's Cheat Codes: A Biblical Perspective On power in PrayerOne of the most memorable kings in all of Israel is an 8-year-old king named Josiah. 2 Kings 22 tells the story of an 8-year-old boy king who was thrust into power because a servant had assassinated his...
Top 5 Theology Podcasts
Whether you're wrestling with theological questions or seeking to deepen your faith, these podcasts offer a rich resource for growth and understanding. Join the conversation and share your favorite podcasts in the comments! Top 5 Theology Podcasts Recommended: 1)...
St. Augustine
What you should know about St. Augustine: His Belief In The Continuation Of Spiritual Gifts.St. Augustine, a towering figure in Christian history, is widely celebrated for his profound influence on Western theology, particularly his perspectives on the Holy Spirit's...
The Priesthood of All Believers By John Calvin
Explore John Calvin’s teachings on the ‘priesthood of all believers’ and its emphasis on spiritual empowerment.
Life’s Cheat Codes: A Biblical Perspective on power in Prayer
Life's Cheat Codes: A Biblical Perspective On power in Prayer So I wake up in the morning, walk in my pajamas to an old tube TV that weighed 300 lbs, and flip the switch to turn that puppy on. I reach over to the Nintendo, powering it up, but before I start playing my...
Redefining “Successful” Evangelism: A Fresh Look At Evangelism With A Biblical Lens
Redefining Success in EvangelismLessons From My Time Evangelizing For three years, I traveled around the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex with an evangelist. His goal was to train local churches with evangelists who could sustain the ministry long after we had departed for...
Make The Vision Plain: Revealing The True Meaning Of Habakkuk’s Vision
Make The Vision Plain: Revealing The True Meaning Of Habakkuk's VisionMisinterpreting Habakkuk 2:2-5 in Modern Church Context This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to preach from Habakkuk 2:2-5, a passage often misinterpreted and misapplied in our contemporary...
Defending Divinity Over Coffee: Conversations at Arbuckle Coffee
Defending Divinity Over Coffee: Conversations at Arbuckle CoffeeA Lively Morning at Arbuckle Coffee Shop Something about Arbuckle Coffee Shop makes for lively mornings. Maybe it's the aroma of freshly ground beans, maybe it's the pep in Kendall's step, or the quaint...
The Mystical Union of Christ in Communion
The Mystical Union of Christ in Communion Understanding Christ's Presence in Communion: A Biblical Perspective The discourse on Christ's presence in the sacrament of communion has long been central and sometimes contentious in Christian theology. This debate pivots on...
The Humble Healing Ministry of Charles Spurgeon
The Humble Healing Ministry of Charles SpurgeonThe Healing Power of Charles Spurgeon Did you know that Charles Spurgeon had a rather popular and frequent healing ministry? That's right, the prince of preachers himself could have had his own slot on TBN! Well, Spurgeon...
Living in the ‘Already’ and ‘Not Yet’: The Dual Reality of God’s Kingdom
Living in the 'Already' and 'Not Yet': The Dual Reality of God's Kingdom The Paradox of the 'Already and Not Yet' In the movie 'Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi,' a pivotal scene unfolds when Luke Skywalker meets Obi-Wan Kenobi on the mystical Dagobah...
John Calvin’s Revolutionary View on the Priesthood of All Believers: Empowering Every Christian
John Calvin's Revolutionary View on the Priesthood of All BelieversJohn Calvin: A Theological Giant of the Reformation It’s no secret that I am not a Calvinist, meaning I do not subscribe to the five 'doctrines of grace' often associated with the soteriological system...
Jesus’ Heart For The Marginalized
Evangelism Among the Marginalized: Jesus' Heart For The LostRedefining Evangelism: From Popularity to Humility I have been engaged in evangelism for a long time, undertaking efforts under bridges with the homeless, going door to door, in coffee shops, and on stages....
The Illusion of Might: A Call to Humble Submission in the Shadow of Success
The Illusion of Might: A Call to Humble Submission in the Shadow of SuccessSuccess and Submission: A Modern Ministry Dilemma In the bustling heart of the city stood a vibrant megachurch, pulsating with life and growth under the stewardship of a dynamic young pastor....
The Timeless Quest for God’s Presence: Insights from Psalm 27
The Timeless Quest for God's Presence: Insights from Psalm 27The Heartfelt Yearning of David in Psalm 27 Psalm 27 is my favorite Psalm, and one that gives us a timeless reminder of the beauty that lies in seeking God's face, as inspired by the heartfelt words of...
What Does It Mean To Be Word And Spirit?
What Does It Mean To Be Word & Spirit? Understanding the "Word & Spirit" Paradigm at King's Fellowship Church What does it mean to be Word & Spirit? Here at King’s Fellowship Church, we are wholly committed to the convergence of both Word and Spirit, not...
What Is The Law Gospel Distinction?
What Is The Law Gospel Distinction?Theological Distinctives of King’s Fellowship Church One of our theological distinctives at King’s Fellowship Church is our weekly preaching emphasis on the “Law & Gospel.” This Law Gospel Distinction is a category of viewing...
Introduction To Bible Reading
Introduction To Bible Reading!Many individuals struggle with reading the Bible. Some focus on studying at the expense of devotion, while others reduce the Bible to an old, dead historical text, removing any living and active communication from the scriptures. Here, I...
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