Filled With The Spirit

Filled With The Spirit

A Word Study On “Filled With The Spirit” As I pulled into the gas station, dressed in my old uniform of cut-off jeans, a bandana, and flip-flops, a guy approached me and asked, “Hey homie, where the smoke at?” I was clueless. After a quick call...
Two Peters In The Bible

Two Peters In The Bible

The Two Peters In The Bible The Preacher’s Passionate Appeal The preacher, a stout man in a dark suit, his white shirt collar now darkened with perspiration, stood behind the pulpit, his voice resonating through the large sanctuary. His brow glistened, sweat...
What is The Baptism Of The Spirit?

What is The Baptism Of The Spirit?

What is The Baptism Of The Spirit? What Is The “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”? As we have already demonstrated, the phrases “baptism in the Spirit,” “filled with the Spirit,” and “full of the Spirit” are not synonyms. Each of these phrases has its own unique...
Full Of The Spirit

Full Of The Spirit

What Does It Mean To Be “Full Of The Spirit” ?A Surprising Encounter at Bible College Once upon a time, I found myself at a hyper-charismatic Bible college, ready for what I thought would be a typical lecture. Little did I know, I was about to embark on a...