Full Of The Spirit

Full Of The Spirit

What Does It Mean To Be “Full Of The Spirit” ?A Surprising Encounter at Bible College Once upon a time, I found myself at a hyper-charismatic Bible college, ready for what I thought would be a typical lecture. Little did I know, I was about to embark on a...
Who Are We Being Called To Forgive?

Who Are We Being Called To Forgive?

Who Are We Being Called To Forgive? In a previous post, I explored the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, leading us to the profound and compelling parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. These parables, meticulously placed side by side — lost sheep, lost...
Why You Don’t Have To Work For Salvation

Why You Don’t Have To Work For Salvation

Why You Don’t Have To Work For Salvation I live the normal life of a parent; I work a 9 to 5 job, and when I get home, my kids are building forts, having Nerf wars, and generally turning my house into a war zone. Every once in a while, I come home to find the...
Top 5 Theology Podcasts

Top 5 Theology Podcasts

Whether you’re wrestling with theological questions or seeking to deepen your faith, these podcasts offer a rich resource for growth and understanding. Join the conversation and share your favorite podcasts in the comments! Top 5 Theology Podcasts Recommended:...