Why The Word Of God And The Power Of God Are Inseparable

Why The Word Of God And The Power Of God Are Inseparable

WHy The Word Of God And The Power Of God Are Inseparable  The Sadducees were known for their strict adherence to the Torah, differing from other Jewish groups because they rejected oral traditions favored by the Pharisees and focused solely on the written Torah. They...
The Source Of True Identity

The Source Of True Identity

The Source Of True Identity Identity is a funny thing. Some lean on patriotism, others on what they own (materialism), while still others draw their identity from personal accomplishments. You can have people who see themselves through the lens of a small town like...
Reclaiming the Truth

Reclaiming the Truth

Reclaiming the Truth By Alex Ryan An Unexpected Morning at Wal-Mart It was a bright, sunny day in September as I pulled up to the Ada Wal-Mart. It had been a cheery morning so far—made even more cheery by the fact that I had time to go to Wal-Mart in the morning,...
Clarity Over Creativity

Clarity Over Creativity

Clarity over creativity The past 7 days in Hawaii have been a blast, but I can’t wait to get back to Ada. I must admit, I miss my kiddos, my church family, and Arbuckle coffee—LOL. While in Hawaii, I have had the opportunity to train a group of missionaries with...