The Book Of Zechariah
Join us at King’s Fellowship Church, right here in Ada, Oklahoma, as we dive into the prophetic book of Zechariah. Zechariah is a treasure trove of prophetic imagery that often feels shrouded in mystery—but it doesn’t have to be. This book offers visions that unveil God’s sovereign hand in past and future events, providing us with his plan of his coming, and ever-present kingdom.
Yet, many sermons and studies on Zechariah leave us confused or overwhelmed by speculative interpretations. The beauty of Zechariah is that the Bible itself gives us the keys to unlock these visions, interpreting them within the grand narrative of Scripture.
In Chapters 1-6, we’ll explore Zechariah’s eight night visions, revealing God’s sovereign control over history and His plans to restore His people. Moving into Chapters 7-8, we’ll see a shift from fasting in sorrow to joyful feasting, reflecting the blessings of obedience. Finally, in Chapters 9-14, Zechariah’s eschatological prophecies unveil God’s ultimate reign over all nations, pointing us to Christ and the hope of His eternal kingdom.
If you’ve ever felt intimidated or unaware of the prophetic depths of Zechariah, this study is for you. Come discover how God’s Word interprets itself, demystifying Zechariah’s visions and uncovering their relevance for today. Let’s move beyond the guesswork and into the rich clarity that Scripture provides.
Finally, we hope you have enjoyed these sermons from King’s Fellowship Church Ada. It is our prayer that these resources will encourage and edify you in your walk with Jesus. It goes without saying, living in Ada, attending our services, or being a church member with us is not a prerequisite. We suggest viewing these resources as a supplemental tool for your discipleship. These sermons are intended to complement, not replace, your faithful service to your local church, wherever you may reside.
1 Timothy Sermon Series
Join us at King’s Fellowship Church in Ada for a verse-by-verse journey through the Book of 1 Timothy. Through this series, we will explore the six sections of this book, learning how our behavior displays God’s power and truth, as well as our adoption as sons and daughters. We begin section one discussing how we are called to confront false teachings (1:3-20). Then, in section two, we learn about healthy church governance (2:1-3:16). Section three teaches us how to unmask deception (4:1-5). The fourth section discusses our responsibility in light of our calling (4:6-16). Following this, section five teaches us how to care for our church community (5:1-6:2). Finally, section six instructs us on how we should fight against heretical teachings (6:2-21).
Discover how this epistle challenges us to live out our faith amidst the complexities of the modern world, encouraging us to uphold truth, combat false teachings, and maintain the sacredness of the church as the household of God.
Updates to the series are available on our website a few days after each sermon. For those located in Ada, Oklahoma, we warmly invite you to join us in person for a live experience of these insightful teachings. Consequently, experience the richness of biblical truth and the assurance of God’s plan each Sunday at King’s Fellowship Church.
Habakkuk Sermon Series
Delve into verse-by-verse sermons in the Book of Habakkuk at King’s Fellowship Church in Ada. Furthermore, unpack what the Bible has to say about slavery, predatory loans, and idolatry. In light of this, learn how to read prophetic literature, discover ancient Near Eastern politics, and what George Eldon Ladd called the “already and not yet.”
As a result, each week, we uncover themes of faith, justice, and divine sovereignty as we journey through Habakkuk’s dialogues with God. To clarify, this series examines Habakkuk’s struggle with injustice, God’s unexpected ways, and our calling as ‘prophets among the nations’.