“Chasing the Wind: Embracing Rhythms of Devotion in a Busy Life”
The necessity of devotion
When I lived in Texas, I hit the gym regularly for mental clarity and energy. However, since moving to Ada, Oklahoma, to plant this church, I’ve developed more pastorally in the gut region, if you catch my drift. My fitness routine has slipped with my busier schedule—kids’ activities, running a church, hosting an international podcast, and conferences. Managing staff and projects leaves little free time.
However, for the past month, I have been extremely disciplined with going to the gym. Why? Because the benefits of working out now far exceed the cost of not working out later. I want to give my family, friends, and church community my very best for as long as I can. If I keep neglecting my physical health, I will likely burn out, get sick, and God forbid die prematurely. Now that may be a little dramatic and over-exaggerated, but we all know that exercise and a healthy diet is crucial for our quality of life, and longevity of life.
The same goes for spiritual devotion. Every Christian knows we need regular rhythms of devotion. Prayer Bible reading, and praise and worship is critical to maturity. These practices edify us, making us better in every role we play. But beyond personal benefits, our devotion should come from our love for Jesus. Christ Himself is our reward, if there were no other benefit in our devotion, He alone is worthy of our pursuit.
Imagine yourself 10 or 15 years from now. Can you imagine a version of yourself that has the exact same relationship with Jesus, or worse, maybe you have so neglected devotion that your relationship with Jesus is worse off? GOD FORBID! I pray that the Josh Lewis of 2034 is more on fire, more in love, more radical for Jesus than he has ever been before. There is often no IMMEDIATE Gratification to our devotion. However, the long-term benefits for outway the cost.
Why devotion gets choked out
Why does our devotion to God often get choked out? In a consumer-driven society obsessed with productivity, our rhythms of rest and devotion often get pushed aside. Life’s demands are relentless, knocking on our doors, begging for our immediate attention. When business arises, devotion is usually the first thing we sacrifice. Over time, this habit creates a pattern, and we drift away from spending quality time with God.
Consider this: if you had to choose between fixing a problem at work or spending time in prayer, which would you pick? Most likely, you’d opt to fix the work problem because it offers instant results and gratification. Household chores, church activities, and spontaneous meetings all provide immediate outcomes, while devotion doesn’t offer such quick rewards.
We Make Time For What We Love
If you ask any husband and father what he cherishes the most, he will likely say “my family”. However, due to his 9/5 Monday-Friday work schedule, he often finds himself spending more time at work than with his family. Also, common among the working class father, is a preoccupied mind with work, so even when he is with his family, whom he loves more than anything, he finds himself thinking about and talking about work.
This is a tail as old as time itself. You have seen it before, you might even be living it now. Fortunately, the solution is simple, You need rhythms of devotion. If you want to be a good dad, well, schedule a family game night with your kids. Whip out the occasional Nintendo controller and mercilessly remind your children that you have been playing Mario cart racing longer than they have been alive. Want to be a good husband, schedule a date night, spend time together after the kids are in bed, talking about each other’s day, her feelings, and the latest plot twists in our favorite shows.
Just as these relationships require intentional time, so does our relationship with Jesus. We must schedule our devotional time and defend it like it’s the last slice of pizza at a party (Sorry, working out makes me hungry). When work calls during game night, you ignore it. Similarly, we need to fiercely protect our devotional time with Jesus. He’s the most important person to any Christian, the VIP of our lives. We value His company, wisdom, virtue, and strength. The only way to prioritize this is by marking it on our calendar with bold, bright colors and defending it as if his stead fast love is better than life (Psalm 63).
The Difficulties Of Devotion Itself
Another challenge that often trips us up in our walk with God is, ironically, devotion itself. Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a heartfelt prayer, pouring out your soul, and suddenly—boredom strikes? You’re knocking on heaven’s door, but it feels like God’s put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign. It’s like calling out and only hearing the echo of your own voice.
Then there’s the struggle with Scripture. You sit down with your Bible, eager to dive into the Word, but it’s like deciphering a foreign language from a distant land. These ancient authors, with their millennia-old wisdom and cultural nuances, leave us scratching our heads. It’s as if we’re trying to read a Shakespearean play without the footnotes, and we just can’t seem to grasp it.
And don’t get me started on worship. Remember when that one song used to bring you to tears every time the chorus hit? Now, it’s just background noise. The emotional highs of worship seem out of reach, and you start to wonder if there’s something wrong with you. The music plays, the lyrics flow, but your heart feels like it’s on mute.
Rhythms Of Devotion Take Time: Cut Yourself Some Slack
Look, you’re not alone. Every Christian has been there! You are not so exceptionally carnal that only you find rhythms of devotion difficult. The rhythms of devotion are a lot like learning a new language. Imagine trying to master Spanish by just attending a weekly class and flipping through flashcards. Nope, not happening. Real fluency comes from immersion—living in a place where you’re surrounded by the language, making mistakes, and gradually getting the hang of it. Six months in, you might still be a bit rough around the edges, but you’ll be conversing in Spanish.
Devotion isn’t about riding a glory cloud with Jesus all the time. As Andy Mineo wisely said, you can’t get swole without getting sore. It’s a stretching experience, and it feels awkward at first. Even if you’ve been devoted in the past, slipping back into that rhythm can be tough.
Take my gym saga, for example. I was a workout warrior in 2022, hitting the gym daily. But after a year-long hiatus, getting back into my routine has been a struggle. I’m four weeks in, still frustrated, still feeling the burn, and not lifting as much as I used to. Devotion with Jesus is just like this—it’s about rebuilding that relationship, finding your groove, and letting the process transform you.
So, cut yourself some slack. You’re not less righteous than before. Think of yourself as someone getting back into the gym or dusting off an old, forgotten language. It takes time, patience, and persistence to rekindle that spark.
Rhythms That Make Room For Spontaneity
Once you get your rhythms of devotion protected, after a couple of weeks of enjoying the Lord’s company, you will likely find yourself feeling ritualistic, looking for spontaneity. Witch is totally acceptable. Not every season of devotion will look the same. Remember when diving deep into the Word was your spiritual lifeline, like finding treasure in every verse? Then, out of nowhere, another season hits, and it’s prayer that sets your heart ablaze, drawing you closer to God. And guess what? That’s perfectly okay! Don’t get caught up comparing yourself to your past spiritual highs. Instead, embrace the adventure and discover where the Spirit is moving right now. Think of it as a divine treasure hunt.
I’ve had times when God has captivated my heart, drawing me into deep intimacy with Him. But let’s be real—there have also been seasons where devotion felt more like checking off a to-do list. Just going through the motions: praying, reading the Bible, spending some time in worship. If given the choice, I’d always prefer to chase the wind.
Chase The Wind
“Chase the wind” is a phrase I’ve been integrating into every nook and cranny of my life. Whether I’m praying for people, leading my church, or being a dad, I want to chase the wind in everything. It means discerning where the Holy Spirit is moving right now—not yesterday, not six months ago, not even six minutes ago, but in this moment.
During my devotion time, if reading my Bible doesn’t feel like it’s drawing me closer to God, I’ll switch gears. I might spend ten minutes reading, but if I’m not sensing the Spirit’s nearness, I’ll move to prayer. If the Lord meets me in prayer, I’ll linger there, savoring the moment. If prayer feels dry, I’ll transition to worship, seeking to encounter God there. It’s like a spiritual dance, moving with the rhythm of the Spirit.
Relationships are a lot like that too. I don’t know any couple that’s always in a state of flaming romance, constant laughter, or perpetual adventure. Every relationship is a blend of these experiences. Sometimes it’s romantic, sometimes playful, sometimes adventurous, and sometimes even contentious. Put “family game night” on the calendar, but if everyone is bored with games, take that time to go to the park, there’s no need to become a schedule notzi.
Our relationship with Jesus is no different. Jesus is a person with feelings, desires, and emotions. He wants different things from us at different times. Sometimes, He wants to meet us in the Word, other times in prayer. There are moments of great revival and repentance, and others where he wants us to find the joy of the Lord as our strength. Sometimes, He just wants us to be still and know that He is God. So, let’s approach our moments of devotion on His terms, not ours, ready to chase the wind and discover where the Spirit is leading us today. Ready to dance?
And there you have it, folks! We’ve navigated through the twists and turns of devotion, from gym analogies to family game nights, and we’ve discovered the beauty in protecting our spiritual rhythms. As we wrap up this journey, let’s bring it home with a playful reminder and a heartfelt challenge.
Imagine your spiritual life as a delightful, unpredictable dance party. Some days, you’re busting out moves like a pro, and other days, you’re just awkwardly swaying to the music. But that’s okay! The key is to keep dancing, to keep showing up, and to keep moving to the rhythm of God’s grace.
So here’s the challenge: this week, put on your spiritual dancing shoes. Schedule that quiet time with Jesus and guard it like it’s the last piece of cheesecake in the fridge. When life tries to butt in, remind yourself that devotion is your dance floor, and you’re not letting anyone cut in.
If prayer feels dry, switch to worship. If Bible reading feels like deciphering ancient hieroglyphs, pour out your heart in prayer. Embrace the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit. Remember, it’s okay to be playful in your pursuit of God. Jesus delights in our genuine, sometimes clumsy efforts to draw near to Him.
So, as we step back into the rhythm of our daily lives, let’s do so with joy, determination, and a dash of playfulness. Let’s be those who chase the wind, ready to follow wherever the Spirit leads. Because in this divine dance, every step, no matter how small or awkward, brings us closer to the heart of God.
Keep dancing, keep pursuing, and most importantly, keep loving Jesus with all your heart. After all, He’s the best dance partner we could ever ask for.
Grace and peace,
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