Gay Pride in Ada and a Christian Response
How TO Think About Gay Pride in Ada
As June arrives, so does Pride Month, a time when LGBTQ individuals and their allies gather to celebrate identity, community, and advocacy. Even in our small town, Gay Pride in Ada is becoming more visible. A Gay Pride in Ada event is set for June 7th at 3 PM in Wintersmith Park. For many, this is not just an event happening in the background but a significant moment involving friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Some will attend with excitement, while others seek belonging. Christ followers must navigate these situations with truth and love, staying rooted in God’s Word while showing compassion. This is not an “us versus them” scenario. Instead, it’s about how we, as believers, engage with both grace and conviction in a world that often sees them as incompatible. Gay Pride in Ada presents an opportunity for thoughtful engagement, calling us to balance biblical truth with Christlike love.
Truth and Love: A Biblical Approach
Discussions about sexuality and faith frequently generate more heat than light. Many frame these conversations as a battle—one side championing truth and the other love, as if they are mutually exclusive. What does it mean to love without contempt? In what ways can we share truth without harassment? How do we show compassion without compromising our convictions? The answer lies in engaging with real people, not just abstract ideas. All Christians carry the responsibility to listen, care, and reflect a God whose kindness leads to repentance (Romans 2:4). Together, our shared calling is to be present, not as adversaries, but as those who display both grace and holiness.
What the Bible Says About Gay Pride
Scripture teaches that all people, regardless of background, are called to repentance and faith in Christ. Regarding sexuality and gender, the Bible affirms God’s design—marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6) and gender as part of His created order (Psalm 139:13-16). Homosexuality and transgenderism, like all deviations from God’s intent, are described as sin (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). However, sin does not place anyone beyond God’s grace. The call to repentance is about reconciliation, not condemnation. Jesus did not come to shame sinners but to save them (John 3:17). Our LGBT neighbors need truth, not as a weapon to drive them away, but as an invitation to restoration. True love does not affirm what separates people from God—it leads them to the One who can make them whole.
Avoiding Harshness
When I reflect on sharing truth in love, I think of a recent “Pints with Aquinas” podcast when I heard a guest I wasn’t familiar with—Nick Freitas—share a story that hit me hard. Early in his apologetics journey, Nick was debating an unbeliever about God’s existence. He was confident, sharp, and determined to win. During the conversation, the man asked, “Do you believe if someone commits suicide, they go to hell?” Nick immediately dismissed it as a red herring—irrelevant to the debate. He shut it down and pressed forward, convinced he had won the argument.
Later, Nick learned the devastating truth: the man’s wife had taken her own life. That question wasn’t a debate tactic—it was a window into his pain. Instead of pausing to see the person behind the question, Nick had steamrolled over an opportunity to offer Christ’s hope. It was one of his greatest failures as a Christian. And it’s a sobering reminder for all of us—winning arguments means nothing if we lose people in the process. As we carry our zeal for proclaiming truth, we must avoid the pride and bullish behavior that sees people as obstacles to conquer.
Avoiding Silence
Simultaneously, silence is another danger. Society increasingly pressures Christians to either celebrate what Scripture calls sin or remain quiet to avoid conflict. Many choose silence. Yet, avoiding the conversation is not love—it is neglect. If sin separates people from God and Christ is the only way to salvation, then silence is not an option. Never the less, we must also avoid an argumentative spirit that seeks to win debates rather than souls. Truth without love wounds. Love without truth deceives. Our mission is not to defeat an ideology but to reach people. Gospel proclamation is our greatest weapon—it is the greatest act of love we can offer the world. Boldness and gentleness must coexist (1 Peter 3:15).
What Loving Our Neibor Looks Like
At the end of the day, our response to the Pride event in Ada—and to the broader cultural conversation—must be shaped by the character of Christ. Jesus came full of both grace and truth (John 1:14), and we are called to follow His example. That means we cannot be silent, nor can we be harsh. We must love our neighbors enough to tell them the truth, and we must love the truth enough to tell it with humility, patience, and compassion. Our goal is not to win an argument, but to point people to the Savior who can rescue, redeem, and restore.
Being Present: Winning Souls, Not Arguments
So, as we consider this upcoming event, consider “what would it look like to be present”—not as protestors, but as ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20)? Could we show up to serve, offering water bottles on a hot afternoon as a simple act of kindness? Could we engage in meaningful conversations, not with an agenda to debate, but with a genuine heart to listen and share the hope of the gospel? Could we ask people if they need prayer, demonstrating that the love of Jesus is not just a theological concept but a present reality? These moments are not interruptions to our faith—they are opportunities for it to shine.
Conclusion: Reflecting Christ in Ada
We will encounter those who think differently than we do, may we see them not as enemies to be defeated, but as people made in the image of God, just as in need of His mercy as we are. Our prayer should be that our words, our actions, and our presence would reflect Christ’s love—firm in conviction, unwavering in kindness, and always pointing to the only hope any of us have: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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